Installing Git

Git is a version control system, used to interact with code repositories. The LOCKSS Installer is available from GitHub, and you will need a Git client to download it.

Follow these instructions to install Git:

  1. Run this command (as any user):

    git --version
  2. If the output is a version number (for example git version 2.31.1), Git is already installed; however if you see an error message (for example bash: git: command not found), follow the instructions corresponding to your operating system below to install Git as root 1:

    To install Git, run this Dnf command (as root):

    dnf --assumeyes install git

    To install Git, run this Pacman command (as root):

    pacman -Sy --noconfirm git

    To install Git, run this Dnf command (as root):

    dnf --assumeyes install git

    To install Git, run this Yum command (as root):

    yum --assumeyes install git

    To install Git, run these Apt commands (as root):

    apt update
    apt install --assume-yes git

    To install Git, run this Dnf command (as root):

    dnf --assumeyes install git

    To install Git, run this Yum command (as root):

    yum --assumeyes install git

    To install Git, run this Dnf command (as root):

    dnf --assumeyes install git

    To install Git, run these Apt commands (as root):

    apt update
    apt install --assume-yes git

    To install Git, run these Zypper (as root):

    zypper refresh
    zypper --non-interactive install git

    To install Git, run these Zypper (as root):

    zypper refresh
    zypper --non-interactive install git

    To install Git, run this Dnf command (as root):

    dnf --assumeyes install git

    To install Git, run this Yum command (as root):

    yum --assumeyes install git

    To install Git, run this Dnf command (as root):

    dnf --assumeyes install git

    To install Git, run this Yum command (as root):

    yum --assumeyes install git

    To install Git, run this Dnf command (as root):

    dnf --assumeyes install git

    To install Git, run this Yum command (as root):

    yum --assumeyes install git

    To install Git, run these Apt commands (as root):

    apt update
    apt install --assume-yes git



See Running Commands as root.