9.7. Working with PostgreSQL#

This section of the appendix documents administrative tasks for the embedded PostgreSQL database configured by the LOCKSS 2.x system.

9.7.1. Changing the PostgreSQL Database Password#

To change the password of the embedded PostgreSQL database, perform the following steps as the lockss user [1] in the lockss user's lockss-installer directory:

  1. Ensure the Kubernetes service definitions reflect the current state of the LOCKSS configuration by running:

  2. Start the PostgreSQL database container by running:

    k3s kubectl apply -n lockss --filename=config/configs/lockss-stack/svcs/lockss-postgres-service.yaml
  3. Run the following command to store the name of the PostgreSQL database container into the variable postgres_pod:

    postgres_pod=$(k3s kubectl get pod -n lockss --selector=io.kompose.service=lockss-postgres-service --output=jsonpath="{.items[0].metadata.name}")
  4. Run the following command to store the IP of the PostgreSQL database container into the variable postgres_ip:

    postgres_ip=$(k3s kubectl get pod -n lockss --selector=io.kompose.service=lockss-postgres-service --output=jsonpath="{.items[0].status.podIP}")
  5. Execute the following command to alter the LOCKSS database user's password, taking care to replace newpassword with your new embedded PostgreSQL database password:

    echo "ALTER USER \"LOCKSS\" WITH PASSWORD 'newpassword'" | k3s kubectl exec $postgres_pod -n lockss -i -- psql --username=LOCKSS --dbname=postgres

    Successful execution of the command results in the output ALTER ROLE.

  6. To verify that the password change worked, run the following command:

    k3s kubectl exec $postgres_pod -n lockss -it -- psql --username=LOCKSS --dbname=postgres --host=$postgres_ip

    and enter newpassword at the Password for user LOCKSS prompt. If the password change was successful and you enter newpassword correctly, you will see a PostgreSQL prompt similar to:

    psql (9.6.12)
    Type "help" for help.

    which you can exit by entering q or hitting Ctrl + D. If the password change was unsuccessful or you do not enter newpassword correctly, you will see output similar to:

    psql: FATAL:  password authentication failed for user "LOCKSS"
    command terminated with exit code 2
  7. Stop the PostgreSQL database container by running this command:

    k3s kubectl -n lockss delete service,deployment lockss-postgres-service &&
        k3s kubectl -n lockss wait --for=delete pod $postgres_pod --timeout=60s
  8. Re-run configure-lockss so that you can record the new embedded PostgreSQL database password into the configuration of the LOCKSS stack:


    See the PostgreSQL and Embedded PostgreSQL Database sections of Configuring the LOCKSS System for details.
