3.2. Downloading the LOCKSS Installer


Commands in this section are run as the lockss user 1.

The next task is to download the LOCKSS Installer. To do this, you will use curl or wget 2 to invoke the LOCKSS Downloader 3. (Alternatively, for security purposes, you can inspect the LOCKSS Downloader before executing it manually 5.)

As the lockss user 1, run either this curl command:

curl -sSfL https://www.lockss.org/downloader | sh -s -

or this wget command:

wget -qO- https://www.lockss.org/downloader | sh -s -

This will download and invoke the LOCKSS Downloader, which in turn will download the latest version of the LOCKSS Installer into $HOME/lockss-installer (in this case /home/lockss/lockss-installer).


To install it into another directory DIR, add --download-dir=DIR after sh -s -, like so:

... | sh -s - --download-dir=DIR

The lockss-downloader script accepts other options after sh -s -. You can list them by invoking it with the --help option.


LOCKSS Installer Directory

Whether it is the default directory $HOME/lockss-installer or a custom directory passed to the LOCKSS Downloader via the --download-dir option, make a note of the LOCKSS Installer directory, as many commands in this manual are documented relative to this directory.



See Running Commands as the lockss User.


Most typical Linux systems have at least one of curl or wget installed by default. You can check by typing curl --version or wget --version and verifying that the output is not an error message. If you need to install curl, see Installing curl. If you prefer to install wget, see Installing wget.


See https://github.com/lockss/lockss-downloader.


See https://github.com/lockss/lockss-installer.


For security purposes, you may wish to inspect the LOCKSS Downloader before executing it.

One option is to review the contents of the script directly on GitHub to your satisfaction, then execute it as described above. The URL https://www.lockss.org/downloader redirects to https://github.com/lockss/lockss-downloader/raw/main/lockss-downloader.

Another option is to download a copy of the LOCKSS Downloader, review the lockss-downloader script, then execute it, all locally. To do so, follow this procedure:

  1. Run either:

    curl -Lo /tmp/lockss-downloader https://www.lockss.org/downloader


    wget -O /tmp/lockss-downloader https://www.lockss.org/downloader

    to download the lockss-downloader script to /tmp/lockss-downloader.

  2. Inspect /tmp/lockss-downloader to your satisfaction.

  3. Run this command:

    chmod +x /tmp/lockss-downloader

    to make /tmp/lockss-downloader executable.

  4. Type:


    to run the lockss-downloader script, appending options like --download-dir=DIR to the end as desired.