LOCKSS 2.0-alpha5 System Manual

Welcome to the LOCKSS 2.0-alpha5 System Manual.

Latest release: 2.0.55-alpha5 (2022-07-06)
First release: 2.0.51-alpha5 (2021-12-17)
System manual last built: 2023-10-30


Security advisories: CVE-2021-45105, CVE-2021-44832

LOCKSS 2.0.51-alpha5 and the custom Solr and OpenWayback containers it includes are affected. See CVE-2021-45105 and CVE-2021-44832.

What's New?

An improved LOCKSS Installer rolling up most individual installation steps into a single script, numerous bug fixes and substantial performance improvements in the LOCKSS Repository Service, Solr 8.9.0, and more.

See Release Notes for more details.


In order to install and test the LOCKSS 2.0-alpha5 system, you will need a 64-bit Linux host (physical or virtual) with at least 4 CPU cores and 8 GB of memory, and adequate storage; commonplace Linux system utilities like curl/wget and tar to run the LOCKSS Downloader and the LOCKSS Installer; and K3s, a lightweight Kubernetes environment (installed via the LOCKSS Installer).

See System Prerequisites and Installing the LOCKSS System for more details.


If you were running LOCKSS 2.0-alpha4, Git is no longer required. See Upgrading From LOCKSS 2.0-alpha4 for upgrade instructions.


The LOCKSS 2.0-alpha4 system, and the Solr and OpenWayback containers it includes, are affected by CVE-2021-44228 ("Log4Shell"), CVE-2021-45046 and CVE-2021-4104. Please see the LOCKSS 2.0-alpha4 security advisory and upgrade to LOCKSS 2.0-alpha5.

Questions and Answers

Is LOCKSS 2.0-alpha5 vulnerable to CVE-2021-44228 ("Log4Shell")?

Only LOCKSS 2.0.51-alpha5 and the custom Solr and OpenWayback containers it included are affected; LOCKSS 2.0.52-alpha5 and later are not affected. See Security Advisories.

I have an existing classic LOCKSS system (version 1.x). Can I upgrade to LOCKSS 2.0-alpha5?

The LOCKSS 2.0-alpha5 release is a technology preview which we are excited to share with the community for testing purposes. It is not yet possible to convert from a classic LOCKSS system (e.g. version 1.75.8) to a LOCKSS 2.0 system for production purposes.

However, an upcoming version of the classic LOCKSS system will contain an experimental tool to test the migration of select archival units (AUs) from a production 1.x system to a test 2.x system.

To help us advance toward the final LOCKSS 2.0 release, please consider installing and running the LOCKSS 2.0-alpha5 release on a test machine and providing us with your feedback.

I have a LOCKSS system running 2.0-alpha4. Can I upgrade to LOCKSS 2.0-alpha5?

Yes. You are welcome to wipe your testing data from LOCKSS 2.0-alpha4 and start from scratch, but there is an upgrade path from LOCKSS 2.0-alpha4.

Can I use my own PostgreSQL database? Can I use my own Solr database?

Yes, you can configure the system to use your institution's Postgres database and/or Solr database -- or you can simply let system run included ones locally.

Can I replay Web content with my own Pywb instance? Can I replay Web content with my own OpenWayback instance?

Yes, you can configure your own Pywb instance and/or OpenWayback instance to connect directly to the LOCKSS Repository Service -- or you can let the system run included ones locally, or you can choose not to run any Web replay engine at all.

Contact Us

Please contact us for questions, feedback and bug reports. Open a ticket by sending e-mail to . Your contribution toward the final LOCKSS 2.0 release is very important to us and greatly appreciated by the community.