2.2. Disabling Packet Filters

Version 2.0-alpha3 of the LOCKSS system requires, in the short term, disabling any of the user-friendly wrappers around iptables, such as firewalld or ufw, which can interfere with Kubernetes’ iptables manipulations.


See the Security Considerations section for more about this short-term requirement.

2.2.1. Disabling firewalld

By default, CentOS, OpenSUSE and RHEL come with firewalld. You can check whether firewalld is running with:

sudo firewall-cmd --state

If it is running, stop and disable it with this command:

sudo systemctl disable --now firewalld

2.2.2. Disabling ufw

By default, Ubuntu comes with ufw. You can chech whether that ufw is running with:

sudo ufw status

If it is running, stop and disable it with this command:

sudo systemctl disable --now ufw